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Butterflies and the History of Kempton

Meet at the Buxton and Landstreet Building in Thomas at 10 am

Leader: Aaron Graham

Friends of Blackwater is offering a trip to go and explore the North Branch Wetlands in Kempton, Maryland. While out on the site we will join the field crew who is working on the reclamation of these wetlands on one of their butterfly surveys along the wetland. Potential butterfly species that could be seen are Atlantis Fritillary, Appalachian Brown, Black Dash, and Delaware Skipper, all found on this survey route last summer. We hope for good views of the butterflies we can find out here and hope to net a few to offer up close looks. While here, the field crew will explain what they are doing to help reclaim this wetland complex from the effects of previous coal mining operations and how they effected the area long term and how they are still affecting the wetlands today. Wear appropriate attire and sunscreen to be out walking along the gravel road here.

July 14

Evening Nature Foray along Camp 70 Road

July 21

Touring Big Run Bog with Friends of Blackwater